ArtSpark! Summer Camp Grant

My very good friend and collaborator Martha Sandven wrote a grant to the Women’s Giving Circle of the University of Arkansas. It’s for a 2024 summer camp for grades 3-6 called ArtSpark! , named for the creativity boxes I design.

It’s an arts integration camp (pairing arts curriculum with core curriculum for more effective learning). After 3 rounds and a presentation, she was the one to get it!

$20,000 grant (camp costs much more than this). I’ll be designing and assembling about 200 boxes for the kids and invited Fayetteville teachers who will get arts integration training. High school students will teach and mentor the younger kids.

All those boxes going to so many homes and classrooms! Could generate even more business! The grant covers cost of boxes and a bit more for my time etc. So HUGE! Thank you, Martha and all of your genius collaborators and supporters at U of AR!


BFF Tattoo Design