BFF Tattoo Design
Em and I have been good friends since 7th grade. SEVENTH GRADE. We hung out at the mall together, ate pizza and listened to my parents’ Beatles albums. We recorded a cassette tape in a “professional” studio (think taped karaoke LOL). We saw Genesis and U2 at Kemper Arena together. We were lab assistants for our favorite 8th grade science teacher. Boyfriends came and went. Mutual friends faded in and out. We graduated and we were super smart, loving our AP/Honors English teacher and Biology teacher. We occasionally got the guts to skip class together.
We went to different colleges; she got married and had kids, I didn’t. She became an ER nurse. I painted her twins’ nursery wall. Over the years we check in with zero expectations on timing or intention. Do you have a friend like that?
Em has always taken NO SHIT. I knew I needed her in my life when I was 13 because I was chicken, afraid to say what I thought to friends, family, adults in my life. I’m getting better. She has always been inspirational in this regard.
The last few years have been tough for Em. Covid sucked for all of us, but remember she’s an ER nurse, and at the time her kids were leaving the nest and starting their own lives. I am so so proud of her. She sought counseling, kicked addiction’s ass, came to grips with a dying marriage and is now unfurling new butterfly wings and embracing who she is and what she needs. WOW.
To commemorate her new life, she asked me to design a tattoo that will be on a shoulder. Gratefully, she was very specific about the form, colors, and meaning the design needed to represent. I had so much fun researching, sketching, and finalizing the design. Last step is to get that ink under her skin! It’s gonna hurt, but she’s endured much worse.
Our 50s need to be for US. Pruning what is no longer needed, getting rid of any vampires in our lives. No regrets. No putting things off. Health and wellness. As our bodies start to break down, we are doing the intense heart and soul work now. We will be stronger for it.