ArtSpark Huh?

What is this box thing all about? Where did I get the idea? What can you expect if you order one? I’ve never seen anything quite like this. What are you trying to do to me, Josie??

Unboxing. Discovery. Possibility. JOY. All this and a bag of chips.

I love art supplies. Art stores are my candy store. So many pretty colors and items lined up neatly on shelves just calling out my name. Not just a single Mr. Scent Marker, but a whole pack! Not just one Prismacolor colored pencil, but a whole tin of them! DROOL. Every kind of sketchbook imaginable. But as smart, clever, and creative as I was and am, I sometimes struggle if all I have in front of me is a sketchbook and a box of markers. I need fun to stuff to look at (stickers!) and a colorful snack (candy!) I need IDEAS, maybe a prompt, surely a quote to inspire me. I might even need some restrictions so I can focus and set my anxiety aside.

I am CURIOUS and I WANT to LEARN and GROW as a creative being.

What if there was a container, a package, a BOX that contained supplies, treats, and the suggestion of multiple projects I could make, stuffed and bursting with POSSIBILITY?

This is ArtSpark! A fun and educational box full of discovery and exploration. There is no right, wrong, or expected solution or cookie cutter project. There is just you, maybe with some friends, the content of the ArtSpark box, a little elbow grease and time, and the wonder of endless ways to piece together something MAGICAL.

It’s a box! Carry it with you. Add things to it. Take things out. Make it your own. But I’m a grandma, can I have an ArtSpark box? YES. I have some good friends that like to drink wine and catch up. Can we work on ArtSparks together? YES. I’m having my 10th birthday party soon and want to do something FUN and NEW, can we get some ArtSparks? What a GRAND idea, YES.

We all need the spark these days. Working with our hands, not on our screens. Growing new synapses in our brains and releasing lovely chemicals that lead to pure JOY. Ready to get SPARKed?


Chili con Kitchen Sink


BFF Tattoo Design